Director of Conservation

Brittany Michalski

Director of Conservation

Brittany works closely with the Associate Director on financial operations, manages the Conservation Internship Program, and helps our Affiliated and Conservation Projects meet their goals. She brings expertise in conservation planning and a passion for loving and serving God into her role. 

Your financial support benefits all our work, resulting in the mutual flourishing of the full community of creation!

Thank you for your support of our Director of Conservation!

From Rev. Dr. Ben Lowe

Thank you for considering supporting Brittany Michalski in her key leadership role with A Rocha USA! I've had the privilege of knowing and serving together with Brittany for over 10 years and am so grateful for the valuable gifts and skills she brings to our team in this strategic season. Brittany's role as Director of Conservation is critical to our mission, and we greatly appreciate anything you can do to help support her!
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