Living God's Call to Care for Creation
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A Rocha USA is helping Christians and churches recover our biblical calling as caretakers of God’s good but groaning world. We do this through:

Community-based, environmental conservation projects in Texas and Florida

Creation care programs and resources for individuals and churches across the US

Strategic partnerships with a diverse range of conservation and faith-based organizations

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Worship & Creation Guidebook

This NEW collection of prayers, songs, laments, benedictions and more is designed help integrate the call to care for God’s creation into communal worship.

Fill out the form to receive the free Worship & Creation Guidebook as a pdf in your inbox.

This is God's world.

And it was made to flourish.

As God’s image-bearers within the community of creation, humans are uniquely called to the holy work of earthkeeping.

At a time of growing despair and paralysis, A Rocha is changing the way people treat the earth. We are nurturing community and hope through restoring both people and places.

Check out this video to learn more about how we’re living this out.

A Rocha was made for a time such as this!

In a time of growing social-ecological challenges, we have too often neglected our biblical calling to care for creation. Christians are the largest faith community in the U.S., but we are also known as being among the least supportive of environmental action.

For the past forty years, A Rocha organizations have been pioneering faith-based conservation projects around the world. We’re all about DOING creation care, and our hands-on initiatives are motivated by our Christian faith, guided by rigorous science and theology, and rooted in our diverse communities.

News and Stories from A Rocha

leopard blenny in coral_Edit I

Orchestra of the Sea: Preserving God’s Creatures in Kenya

By Dr. Robert Sluka. A dugong hadn’t been spotted in Kenya in a long time – but what was the big deal? I argued that these animals were one voice in the orchestra of creation praising God, and that protecting them and helping them thrive again was an important part of our Christian faith.

Header Image: Reef of Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica), by VA Institute of Marine Science, on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Creature Feature: The Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)

By Sydney Houck. A Rocha USA interns and A Rocha USA’s Lead Scientist, Dr. Robert Sluka, have volunteered with the Brevard Zoo to establish oyster reefs, collect data, and build gabions – wire cages filled with oyster shells, which Restore Our Shores uses to encourage the colonization of oysters.

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