About A Rocha

Our Mission & Vision

Mission: To live out God’s calling to care for creation and equip others to do likewise.

Vision: Christians and churches in the US fully engaged in caring for creation as part of their discipleship and witness.

We are Christians doing conservation

A Rocha USA is part of a worldwide family of A Rocha organizations spanning more than 20 countries, with a 40-year history of caring for creation. Our name means ‘the rock’ in Portugese (our first initiative was a field study center in Portugal). Our global vision is to see a world where nature flourishes as people live equitably and sustainably.

A Rocha around the World
Friends of A Rocha
A Rocha Organizations
How is A Rocha distinct?
We are Christian.
A Rocha's work is a response to God's love for the whole creation, revealed in the Bible and personally in Jesus Christ. As people we share a common Christian cultural heritage and interest in conservation, and do this out of the conviction that Christ is Lord. This makes us both grateful and hopeful. We believe we are called by Christ to the work, reflected in the methods we use. We pray for each other, encourage each other using the Bible, and the main objective of all our work is to give glory to God.
We speak beyond the church.
We are credible advocates for conservation beyond the church. While A Rocha is distinctively Christian, we choose not to speak exclusively to Christian audiences. We are working to show God's love to all creation, including people. Worldwide we work in many local contexts, so our projects reflect a great diversity of cultures, communities, ecosystems, and approaches. Our aim is that they are all characterized by good science and good biblical theology, by healthy involvement in local communities and local churches, and by being prepared to work alongside others who may not always share our beliefs. We work with nature, live out our convictions, and seek to communicate the significance of this to many audiences.
We are diverse.
In the context of the emerging realities of globalization and exclusion, A Rocha celebrates mutual relationships within a large number of A Rocha national organizations. We work not only with a diversity of local habitats and species, but also with a diversity of cultures. Our trustees and professional employees have a diversity of languages and national and ethnic backgrounds that is important to the effectiveness of our work. Our emphasis on community leads us to value both our exchange of worldwide perspectives and our learning from one another.
A Rocha's 5 C's

In all the countries where we work, A Rocha is identified by five distinctive commitments:

We follow Jesus Christ, who created the world and calls us to care for it.

We protect and restore nature and are committed to local places and people over the long term.

We invest in good relationships through our commitment to God, one another, and the wider creation. 

We celebrate the insights, perspectives, and solutions offered by our diverse cultures. 

We seek to work with anyone who shares our mission.

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