Wild Wonder at St. Elmo in 2019.

Wild Wonder: Connecting kids with nature and Creator

By: Hannah Gillespie

Wild Wonder at St. Elmo in 2019.

As part of A Rocha USA’s commitment to environmental education, Wild Wonder Camp curriculum was designed to help children learn and wonder about God and nature, get kids outside, and spark their imaginations as they learn and explore.

Research on children overwhelmingly suggests that they are spending less time outdoors, have high amounts of screen time, and are simply not benefiting from meaningful engagement
with nature.

Casimir Matthews participating in Wild Wonder at COTC in 2019.

Wild Wonder helps churches engage elementary school-aged children in the places they live and understand their role as active participants in creation. This idea was first born at Santa Margarita Community Church in California and developed in partnership with several churches including Church of the Redeemer in Nashville. The camp is now operating in over 60 churches each year and growing nationally.

This curriculum was created in collaboration with scientists, pastors, practitioners, and musicians – which we believe makes Wild Wonder a richer program.

Daily curriculum includes songs and devotions, science and nature lessons, and play and exploration. Campers sing in worship, hear what the Bible has to say about creation, and take a daily Nature Break to listen to the world around them. They also study nature through hands-on science experiments, observation, and conservation activities. Activities include crafts, games, and exploring as they experience the joy of getting to know creation and the loving God who made it all.

Wild Wonder Themes

The intention is that the Wild Wonder curriculum will be used in a four-year rotation with themes that build on one another. 

Year One: Wonder is all about cultivating wonder while exploring God’s good gifts that fill the earth and turning that wonder into gratitude and praise.

Year Two: Care explores hopeful ways to care for creation while also discovering how deeply the Father cares for us.

Year Three: Flourish is about helping creation prosper and believing in the promise that God will make all things right again through the redemptive work of Jesus.

Year Four: Share explores sharing God’s gifts and good news with each other and the world. While this is under development, interested groups can pilot this curriculum. For more information contact [email protected].

Wild Wonder in Spanish

We are excited to announce the imminent release of Creación Maravillosa, the Spanish language version of Wild Wonder!

“Quality resources on creation care in Spanish are very limited,” says Verónica Godoy, A Rocha USA’s Central Texas Program Director. “From our experience with Picnics en el Arroyo, we know that Spanish-speaking communities experience more barriers to connect with and enjoy nature than other groups.”

“Wild Wonder provides an opportunity for children and church communities to experience the wonders of God’s creation and His deep love for all His creatures,” continues Verónica. “I personally feel deeply connected to the Hispanic community in the USA and I want to see them thrive, which includes providing equal opportunities to connect with nature and learn about God’s great love and redemptive plan for all creation.”

We are currently seeking interested Spanish-speaking groups and churches to implement the curriculum and provide feedback. The best part is that they will receive the curriculum for free! Are you or a church you know eager to take part? Email [email protected] to learn more.

Children engaged in a nature-based activity organized by A Rocha Central Texas.

Wild Wonder camp curriculum invites children to delight in God as creator, redeemer, and sustainer of all things by immersing them in the wonders of the created world. Children will learn that all of God’s works are good and that they themselves are beloved creations. To learn more about the Wild Wonder curriculum, visit: https://arocha.us/wild-wonder.

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