A Rocha USA Anti-Racism Statement

A Rocha USA is deeply committed to responding to suffering in the natural world, recognizing our interconnectedness to Creation. We work toward restoring diminished or broken relationships with Creation that arise from our inaction, injustice, and even violence toward the world around us.

In the same spirit, we lament the broken relationships, attitudes, and systems that lead to oppression, suffering, and death of God’s human creation. For us, this is the same work compelled by the same truth—God’s love and redemption of all Creation, both people and places.

White supremacy and systemic racism have no place among individuals and institutions committed to the mission and Lordship of Jesus Christ. As participants in systems and spaces that have historically perpetuated racial segregation and white hegemony—the American Church as well as the scientific and conservation communities—A Rocha USA recognizes that we are called to listen, learn, repent, and reform as we seek to be faithful to the gospel call for the liberation and reconciliation of all Creation (Romans 8; Colossians 1).

We stand with our Black sisters and brothers, along with all Indigenous peoples and communities of color, in calling for justice and actively opposing all forms of systemic exclusion and oppression.




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